Flemish region


Is your organization entitled to a training subsidy?

The government and specific funds offer many subsidies and financing options for training to strengthen and professionalize your organization.

SME e-wallet (KMO-portefeuille)

The SME e-wallet is a measure whereby you – as an entrepreneur – receive financial aid when purchasing consultancy services or training programs Provided by registered service providers that improve the quality of your company.

Who is eligible?

SME’s (KMO’s) and practitioners of liberal professions whose operational headquarters are based in the Flemish Region.

What is it for?

Training and advice


Small businesses
receive a 30% subsidy up to a maximum of €7,500 on an annual basis.

Medium-sized companies
receive a 20% subsidy, up to a maximum of €7,500 on an annual basis.

Application procedure

Your SME can apply for the subsidies via the e-counter for entrepreneurs.

The deadline for the application is
14 calendar days after the start of the program. For this you need your NACE code.

Watson and Associates
accreditation numbers are
D.V.O234277 and D.V.A234278.


Training cheques (Werkbaarheidscheques)

The aim is to encourage Flemish companies with training cheques.


A maximum subsidy of €10,000 per company is provided. Your organization can apply for financial aid to a maximum of 3 times and that until the maximum is reached or the budget for training cheques is exhausted.


– Financial aid rate: 60%

– Private co-financing: 40%

– Financial aid ceiling: 10,000€ per enterprise

Brussel region

Training subsidy in Bruxelles Capital Region

If you are an independent professional or have a small or medium-sized enterprise located in one of the 19 townships in Brussels, you can benefit from support measures put in place by the Brussels-Capital Region.


Under certain conditions, you can receive a partial reimbursement of your training fees, ranging from 40% to 70%.


For more information, click here

Walloon region

Chèque-Formation in Wallonia

If you are an independent professional or have a small or medium-sized enterprise located in Wallonia, the Walloon Region helps companies to improve their performance and the level of training of their employees with the Chèque-Formation voucher.


The Chèque-Formation voucher has a value of 30€ per hour of training followed by an employee: The purchase price of the voucher for the company is set at 15€ and the remaining 15€ are covered by the Walloon Region. The training must be followed with an accredited training organization.


For more information, click here