We guide you in translating key insights into clear actions that enable you, your team and your organisation to harness your potential to the fullest.
Dare to invest in sustainable growth, based on long-term thinking and short-term actions.
We use a unique matrix that makes it very easy to reflect and connect drives, behaviour, cultures and developments. Turning potential into effective behaviour and guiding change in a sustainable and socially responsible way.
With a quick & dirty sprint you won’t get very far
- aligning mission, vision and strategy
- embedding core values
- guiding cultural change
- supporting mergers & acquisitions
- other challenges
We perform an organisational scan to map the culture of your business. This creates the vital link between the key insights and your strategic plans, defining the behaviour needed to implement these insights and plans successfully and efficiently.
- Strong business culture
- Engaged community
- Successful implementation of your strategy
- walk in the same direction again
- regain trust and build courage
- strengthen commitment and attention to results
- increase the level of accountability
- other challenges
Your team scan will give you a better understanding of the factors that motivate people and how this influences the group dynamic. Knowing each other’s drives enables you to grow as a team.
- Increase retention
- Increase performance
- Wellbeing & happiness
- being more available and accessible
- managing conflict effectively, listening empathically and giving feedback
- driving change and coping with stress
- other challenges
We mentor you by means of individual coaching to help you hone your leadership skills. This will enable you to develop an authentic leadership style built on your personal strengths, values and expertise.
- Create next-gen leaders
- Increase performance
- Wellbeing & happiness
« Our team of 7 people – various profiles (engineers, (commercial) project leaders, ..) within the world of construction – had the opportunity and the pleasure of following the Team Development Program at Watson & Associates.
The coach was very approachable before the coaching session and was able to intervene throughout the entire process thanks to a great capacity for analysis and empathy. The experience provided us with real tools and set us on a new path. All this wouldn’t have been possible without the professionalism of the coach, and because of this we are sending out a great big THANK YOU from Switzerland. »
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